Today, we are excited to announce the Clarity Hackathon, a virtual hackathon composed of two independent challenges. These challenges will give developers a chance to learn more about Clarity and win prizes for building smart contracts and Clarity tooling.
Smart Contract Challenge: May 14th – 29th
Clarity Tooling Challenge: June 3rd – 30th
This challenge will reward you for building the most useful and valuable tools other developers can use with Clarity in the future. Clarity is a brand new language, so supporting ease and speed of development with things like visual coding tools, linters, and more will help the community and immensely.
In a nutshell, the Clarity smart contract language optimizes for predictability and security. It provides precise tools for enabling on-chain logic while reducing unintentional errors and eliminating whole classes of bugs. Clarity is a decidable, interpreted language, giving it a number of safety and security advantages while also making it much easier to reason about smart contract behavior, cost, and performance.
For a full introduction to Clarity in advance of the hackathon, check out the documentation.
The hackathon officially starts on May 14th, but registration is open now. Sign up below to receive some initial resources and to receive updates about prizes, judges, workshops, and submission instructions.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you have any questions!