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Serverless Sign In with Blockstack Auth

We are pleased to announce the developer release of Blockstack Auth – an authentication system that will allow users to sign in to websites without relying on any third parties or remote servers.

Back in December, we quietly released a preview of the raw underpinnings of Blockstack Auth. And today, we’re excited to release early libraries of Blockstack Auth in JavaScript and Ruby.

Just Your App and Your Users

With Blockstack Auth, you simply create a profile on a Blockstack client and bring it with you to your applications to sign in. In the background, digital keys are generated and used to sign authentication operations. There are no remote servers involved – you and you alone identify yourself and “turn the keys” to sign in to your app.

Why is this significant?

Removing third parties from the equation means going from a state where your identity is defined by Google and Facebook to a state where your identity is defined by just you. You’re freed from the shackles of digital feudalism.

Here’s how you benefit:

  1. You’re no longer tethered to an “identity provider” and much less dependent on them staying in operation.
  2. You’re no longer leaving a trail of all the applications you use on the internet.
  3. You’re no longer blocked from your apps by server downtime and denial-of-service attacks.

With the latest beta release of Blockstack Auth, you simply “Bring Your Own Identity”.

Taking it for a Test Drive

To see a demo of Blockstack Auth in action:

  1. Head over to the Blockstack Forum.
  2. Click “Log In” in the upper right corner and then choose “with Blockstack”.
  3. For now, you’ll be taken to where you’ll be able to “Quick Sign In” anonymously with a throwaway account.

In the near future, you’ll be able to download the Blockstack app and use it to manage your profiles and bring them with you to sign in.

Serverless Sign In with Blockstack Auth

Blockstack Auth and Your App

To integrate Blockstack authentication into your website or app, just pull in the Blockstack Auth library, available in JavaScript and Ruby.

For serverless applications in JavaScript, all you have to do is:

  1. Install and import blockstack.js
  2. Create a manifest.json file for your app
  3. Wire up sign in and sign out buttons
  4. Include the logic to handle auth responses

Full step-by-step instructions, along with the source code, can be found at the GitHub project for Blockstack.js.

The Role of Auth in the New Internet

With Blockstack, we in the open source community are building our way towards a new decentralized internet. On this internet, the apps are serverless, help users control their data, and revolve around the user.

And for this new internet to emerge, we need an authentication system that fits this model — one that works without servers, helps users control their data, and revolves around the user.

This release of Blockstack Auth is for you, your users, and your application. Integrate Blockstack Auth today, give us your feedback, and help us make the internet a better place.

Ryan Shea

Ryan Shea

Ryan co-founded Blockstack, a development platform for decentralized apps where users own their data. Blockstack has a vibrant community of 50,000 enthusiasts and developers and in 2017 it raised $50M in one of the largest cryptocurrency sales to date.

Before Blockstack, Ryan co-founded a software-as-a-service startup called GraphMuse and worked in an operations role for OmniActive Health Technologies. He received a degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Princeton University with a minor in Computer Science.

Ryan has authored several popular open source libraries in cryptography and blockchain technology and has experience in areas ranging from engineering to product management to growing developer communities.